Content Marketing

Content marketing is a type of strategic marketing strategy that helps the business/service providers reach their target audience through relevant quality content. Content marketing demands the business create and distribute relevant quality content consistently to a specific set of people. If you are new to content marketing and don’t know where to start, you can take the help of professional agencies like PICGDQ to increase your brand visibility on social media.

Content Marketing: Types Of Content Marketing

Digital marketing is all about the value you’re providing to your target audience across various platforms and converting them to loyal consumers. There are several domains of content marketing, here are some of the main content marketing types:


In search engine pages, quality content ranks the best. However, the dynamic nature of the algorithm can affect a brand’s presence. To maintain the top position in the SERP, SEO becomes crucial. Content marketing aligned with strategic SEO techniques can help your brand page rank higher in the SERP. This, in turn, helps you reach the right audience who are looking for the answers.


Social media such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest can help you create a digital footprint and grow your brand globally. Social media makes it easier for you to create a positive brand image and connect with your customers. Social media content can include images, ad carousels, blog posts, etc.


Storytelling through infographics is an art. Outstanding graphic visuals can give your brand an edge over other brands. Infographics make it easy for brands to convey complex information, engage with prospects/customers and increase brand awareness.


Podcasts have become an amazing way to connect with your target audience in this fast-paced world these days. A podcast can help you reach your potential customers.


Quality videos can engage your customers easily and promote your services or products to a large number of people.


Paid ads on social media or search engines can help you with market visibility. With the help of paid content marketing, you can increase conversion rate, direct sales and target prospects.

Content marketing is a type of strategic marketing strategy that helps the business/service providers reach their target audience through relevant quality content. Content marketing demands the business create and distribute relevant quality content consistently to a specific set of people. If you are new to content marketing and don’t know where to start, you can take the help of professional agencies like PICGDQ to increase your brand visibility on social media.

Content Marketing Funnel: How Does The Content Marketing Funnel Work? 

Content marketing is effective only when you provide relevant information to your customers. There are three phases to follow when it comes to content marketing. Here is the process for effective content marketing:


In the discovery phase, brands/service providers research and create content to inform/educate the customers who are looking for answers to their questions. As a brand/service provider, you provide your customers with valuable content. 


In the middle-of-the-funnel or consideration phase, prospects assess all the solutions and find the best possible solutions. However, they choose and compare the best solution that can resolve or answer their problems.


At the bottom of the funnel, the customers finalize their purchase platform. The customer makes his decision to buy the product/services in the purchase phase.

How Content Marketing Benefits Businesses?

You can call content marketing the foundation of digital marketing as you can never sell your service or product without providing quality content. It can be informative, promotional or something that your customers find relevant. Here are some plus points of content marketing that you should note-

  • Quality content ensures a high search engine ranking and helps you gain organic traffic. Content marketing tries to give answers to the customers’ questions and doubts.
  • Remember that digital marketing is still part of human relations. If brands represent themselves as helpful resources, they gain the trust of the customers resulting in a high conversion rate and more leads.
  • Quality content that is relatable and provides value to the customers can help the brands gain high engagement.
  • If you provide your customers with quality content, you can shorten your sales cycles significantly. You can also use informative/educational content to resolve the queries/ concerns of your customers.
  • Unlike traditional marketing, content marketing is cost-effective. Content marketing uses low-cost or free-cost tools to create a brand identity. Some examples are blogging, social media, SEO etc. Content marketing can help you reach a high ROI since you can target a specific segment of customers.
  • Providing quality content builds trust among your target audience. They see you as a partner and a quality resource and in marketing the trust of the customers.

PICGDQ: Your Trustworthy Partner For Digital Marketing

PICGDQ is one of the fastest-growing digital marketing companies in Uttarakhand, India. We provide different digital marketing services to meet your demands. We help your website gain a visible identity and rank the best on SERP (Search Engine Results Page) with the help of the best content marketing strategy. Our assistance includes content marketing services like SEO, social media, infographics, paid content marketing, etc.

We provide other digital marketing-related services including SEO, App store optimization, SMM, Social media advertisement, SMS marketing, PPC, WhatsApp marketing, Email marketing etc. If you have any queries related to digital marketing, you can contact us at

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